A wallet update will be mandatory after the release of Ghost Vault and Staking. You can update both your desktop wallet as well as your Ghostnode ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition.
This short tutorial will cover the following:
- Updating your local wallet (Linux, Windows, Mac).
- Updating your Ghostnode.
Updating your local wallet
- Download nix_core_windows_2_0_0.zip from here.
- Create a backup of your wallet.dat to be safe. It is usually located in %appdata%\nix.
- Replace your existing nix-qt.exe with the one from the downloaded archive.
- Done. You are now ready for the consensus changes.
- Download nix_core_macos_2_0_0.zip from here.
- Create a backup of your wallet.dat to be safe. It’s usually located in ~/Library/Application Support/nix.
- Delete your existing nix-qt application and install the new nix-qt.dmg from the downloaded archive.
- Done. You are now ready for the consensus changes.
You have two options for Linux. You can compile the wallet from source or just use a pre-build binary.
Option 1:
- Clone or download https://github.com/NixPlatform/NixCore and enter the folder.
- Create a backup of your wallet.dat to be safe. It is usually located in ~/.nix/wallets.
- Execute the following commands in order:
sudo make install
- Should you encounter any problems with dependencies, please follow this to resolve that.
- After waiting for the compilation to finish, you are done.
- You can start the wallet by typing nix-qt in your terminal.
Option 2 (faster):
- Download nix_core_x86_64_linux_gnu.zip from here.
- Create a backup of your wallet.dat to be safe. It is usually located in ~/.nix/wallets.
- Extract nix-qt to a folder of your choice and open a terminal there.
- Make the file executable by using sudo chmod +x nix-qt.
- Start the wallet by typing ./nix-qt.
Updating your Ghostnode
There were initially two ways to set up a Ghostnode:
- Using Crypto Sharks’ easy-install script.
- Compiling the wallet from source.
This guide will provide help for both.
Updating a node installed with the script
- Connect to your VPS via ssh.
- Optional: Remove the old update script if present: rm nix_update.sh
- Download the update script: wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cryptosharks131/Ghostnode/master/nix_update.sh
- Update the node: bash nix_update.sh. If not root: sudo bash nix_update.sh.
- Restart the node via your v2.0.0 wallet. You can monitor the node status via nix-cli ghostnode status.
Updating a node that you compiled yourself
- Connect to your VPS via ssh.
- Stop the daemon: nix-cli stop.
- Remove the NixCore folder: sudo rm -r NixCore.
- Download the latest source: git clone https://github.com/NixPlatform/NixCore.git && cd NixCore.
- Compile the new wallet by using the following commands in order:
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
./configure --without-gui
sudo make install
- Start the daemon: nixd
- Restart the node via your v2.0.0 wallet. You can monitor the node status via nix-cli ghostnode status.
Alternatively, you can wipe your VPS and re-build the node using Crypto Sharks’ script (recommended for beginners).
Originally published at nixplatform.io on September 7, 2018.