Keep track of what NIX Platform has delivered by going through our newsletters. The first and second issues can be accessed via our medium account. Have a look of the newest version below:
Development Updates and Progress
1. NIX Mobile Wallets
2. NIX supported on Ledger
3. Ghostnodes In Your pocket
Partnerships & Resources
1. Charlie Shrem joins NIX Platform
Recent Events
1. NIX Off-Chain Governance Proposal
2. Development Fund Report
3. Third Development Round Table
4. NIX Data and Statistics Website
PR and Exchanges
1. On Demand Documentary — NIX Platform
2. NIX Tradeable On Block DX
3. NIX Interview With Alex Libertas
Upcoming Upgrades
1. Lite Zerocoin — Ghostnode Protocol for mobile wallets
2. Bech32 LPoS Contracts — LPoS for mobile and hardware wallets
3. DEX Manager — Multi Currency Wallet.
Parting Words, Outlook
Development Updates and Progress
NIX Mobile Wallets
Quick access to assets is a must nowadays; NIX Mobile wallets (Android and Apple approved apps) were released in Q1 2019. They combine speed and convenience to provide users with a secure means of storing and making use of NIX on the go. The current versions allow basic NIX operations as sending and receiving NIX using QR codes/addresses, nonetheless, the Ghost Protocol, Ghostnode and LPoS features will be integrated soon.
NIX Supported on Ledger
NIX was integrated into Ledger and Trezor’s USB Hardware Devices, meaning NIX can easily be stored into Nano S and Ledger Blue devices and carried everywhere counting on a system that enhances assets’ security at all times. By using these devices, your stored private keys are only accessible to you by following Ledger and Trezor’s authenticating procedures.
To check on what needs to be done to store NIX on Ledger Nano S device, meet the requirements and follow the procedures detailed on this guide.
Ghostnodes In Your Pocket
Ghostnodes are responsible for backing up NIX Network and performing private transactions. NIX has been simplifying the procedure of starting and managing your nodes. One-Click Ghostonde Setup using NIX GUI wallet and more recently the ability to have your nodes stored in your pocket by using the Ghostnode Tool App, an implementation that allows you to easily store, start and manage your Ghostnodes in approved Ledger Nano S devices. Follow the instructions provided in this Ledger’s Ghostnode set-up guide.
Charlie Shrem joins NIX Platform
“Privacy networks are the future of crypto and I’m excited to be working with a grassroots project that built itself up without fundraising. Privacy only works if we all use it” said Charlie Shrem when joining NIX Platform advisory board. As Bitcoin pioneer, early founder of the Bitcoin Foundation, successful entrepreneur, CryptoIQ founder and privacy supporter, Charlie’s presence on NIX will help widen our Platform’s approach to multiple networks, increase NIX adoption in the market and promote partnerships among visionaries and different organizations that he is associated with.
Recent Events
NIX Off-Chain Governance
NIX Platform is rapidly moving towards further decentralization with the implementation of off-chain governance, thus strengthening our core value of decentralization. This structure gives full and equal power to invested stakeholders in the NIX ecosystem to participate in the supporting funding/decision model. A governance proposal and a very detailed technical implementation program has been shared here.
Development Fund Report
It is of public knowledge that NIX initial supply was generated from a faucet to account for development fund. A complete report of this faucet has been shared to the community, detailing the initial and remaining development funding.
The addresses listed within such report started a transition process into one primary development tax address (nix1qr7y5gtwrpuadsluk7v2wdn9pwx3s4asf25hcq2) for easier accountability on March 1, 2019, settling the foundations of the new governance structure — anticipated to go live in Q2 2019.
Third Development Round Table
NIX has focused on offering constant support to the community via different channels, team members and moderators solving users’ queries and more. That not being enough, development roundtables are scheduled to have Lead Developer, jackieboy, explain in details upcoming developments. The 3rd release of the round table was focused on the details of the NIX Multicurrency Wallet.
NIX Data and Statistics Website
Do your own research is now easier for NIX users with the release of Dacx –Michael Brayer–, NIX contributor, developed this compact user friendly research tool to access NIX data and statistics in one-click. Whether you are an enthusiast, community member or an investor, you should spend less time finding informative tools and more time using them. At, you will find staking, Ghostnodes, network and financial information on NIX Platform, all of that in one single site.
PR & Exchanges
On Demand Documentary — NIX Platform
A quick analysis on the blockchain industry and NIX Platform’s impact as a privacy tool for in the crypto ecosystem.
Matthew Tawil, NIX’s Lead Core Developer, becomes part of an On Demand documentary filmed in Q3 2018, aiming to raise awareness about NIX Platform’s role of bridging isolated blockchains with the integration of functional innovative privacy oriented tools. A one-minute preview of the documentary can be found here. Stay tuned for the full version release in Q2 2019.
NIX Tradeable On BLOCK DX
NIX became tradeable on BlockDX! A true DEX developed by BlockNet, team which NIX has been working with for achieving inter-DEX private transactions. BlockDX allows users to trade peer-to-peer directly from the wallets without compromising the security properties of blockchains.
NIX Interview With Alex Libertas
NIX team and Alex worked hard on delivering to the community the “2019: A Look at the Year Ahead — NIX” Article. The article is centered on the development progress that NIX has gone through since its inception: a detailed yet simple explanation on each of the big achievements regarding privacy features, partnerships and more; along with a summary of what NIX is bringing into the game during 2019.
Upcoming Upgrades
Lite Zerocoin Protocol — Ghost Protocol for Mobile Wallets
NIX Platform contributes to solve privacy problems by the implementation of the Ghost Protocol, a combination of Zerocoin Protocol with Pedersen Anonymous Deposits: Commitment Key Packs. This structure allows for direct address-less Zerocoin deposits using NIX blockchain.
For Core Wallets, such privacy features are fully functional; what NIX is working on is the integration of a Lite Zerocoin Protocol to be added to mobile wallets in order to deliver private transactions on the go without the need of downloading NIX blockchain.
Bech32 LPoS Contracts — LPoS for mobile and hardware wallets
Bech32 addresses, starting with “nix”, are already full supported on the latest update for LPoS contracts and local staking. This will allow for the creation of LPoS smart contacts in mobile and hardware wallets using bech32. Staking will be possible in mobile and hardware wallets in the next few weeks.
NIX DEX Manager & Multi Currency Wallet
The DEX Manager solution is being restructured for easier usability. The NIX Platform Team is focused on developing a Multi-Currency Wallet: An app with the original vision of the DEX Manager with added value and features.
NIX Multi-Currency Wallet will become a fully decentralized app where users can securely store and swap different coins whilst making use of NIX strong privacy solutions. A simple user interface in which users (1) choose the coins to be traded, (2) check a privacy box, (3) input the amount of coins to swap, and (4) have as output an equivalent amount of the desired coins. The back-end transaction will be performed via decentralized exchanges. Initial developments will focus on user interaction, future developments will include advanced trading features.
Parting Words, Outlook
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