Manage your funds in a quick, portable and easy way with NIX’s iOS and Android wallets.
As businesses keep opening their services to users paying with cryptocurrencies, it has become almost mandatory to provide users with an easy and instant way to have access to their assets on the go.
NIX Platform is proud to release mobile wallets with robust security, speed and convenience. They are available for iOS (Public Testflight pending App Store approval) and Android (Google Play Store) and can be downloaded from NIX Platform’s official website:
This initial release is a trusted platform that offers basic NIX operations in a unified and handy application: send and receive NIX using QR codes/addresses, keep track of your transactions, manage your funds and more.
As we continue to work on the task of adding more functionalities to the current mobile version, we are very excited to inform that there is development in progress to shortly integrate Ghost Protocol, Ghostnode and LPoS features into mobile wallets.